Supporting Older People Review Accepted by Cabinet

Last week the Cabinet Member for Social Services accepted the Health Social Care & Well Being Overview & Scrutiny Board’s review and recommendations on supporting older people in the community.

The Board made 8 recommendations in total, some key recommendations to the Cabinet member were to:

  • Work with the Corporate Management Team to identify under usage of community resources and buildings and offers these at low or no cost to stimulate growth of support groups and networks
  • Monitor progress on the Day Services Strategic Intent and Action Plan to achieve fair and equitable access to low level support groups, networks and day opportunities across Swansea.

All 8 of the Board’s recommendations were agreed or partially agreed by the Cabinet Member in his report.

The Board will now monitor the Cabinet Member’s action plan which will implement the Board’s recommendations.  The first monitoring report will be presented to the Board in January next year.


  1. C.Westbrook says

    No mention of transport to get to all these networks, support groups and community buildings.

    Please scrutinize that forms of transport are the foundation of older people being able to be active citizens instead of shut up in their homes after 5pm and most of the day due to lack of buses. Scrutinize that this is missing from all the proposed cosy recommendations.

    The greatest support Cabinet Members can give older people is regular public transport…without this all the items mentioned are just token areas on paper or screen.
    This makes Cabinet very happy to show this all this all on paper….but…Makes Older People unhappy because in the real Swansea it does not work if they cant get there.

    Is Transport within the 8 recommendations? No. Can this be ‘scrutinized’….
    because Cabinet really dont recognise this area of real support for Older People.

    • Delyth Davies says

      Thank you for taking the time to read the blog and responding. The Board agreed its scope for the review based on the work that adult social services was carrying out at that time on the re-design of services and as such transport was not included in the review. The Board will keep your comments in mind when thinking about topics for scrutiny reviews in the future. Your comments have been forwarded to the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board and the Cabinet Member.

  2. C.Westbrook says

    Thank you Delyth Davies….

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