The Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) has produced a report on its annual review and evaluation of performance of Swansea Social Services for 2010/11.
The inspector’s report sets out the key strengths and areas for development / improvement for the year 2010/11, under a number of themes. It is very pleasing to read that under the theme of ‘providing direction’ the report says:
‘There is evidence provided by the documentation of the work of the child and family overview and scrutiny board that there is a strong approach to challenging performance. There is a clear record of what the committee has agreed needs further improvement, and what follow up is expected.’
The report praises both the Child & Family Services and Health, Social, Care & Well Being Overview & Scrutiny Board in their effective challenge of service performance.
The findings from this review and overall judgements concerning Children’s Services are being discussed at next week’s Child & Family Services Overview & Scrutiny Board on 16th November.
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