The Children, Young People and Learning Overview and Scrutiny Board have over recent months been looking at the role of the teaching assistant in the primary sector in Swansea.
The Board chose to look at this issue because it has become evident that the numbers of teaching assistants employed across schools in Swansea (and across Wales) had increased substantially over the past ten years along with what we expect of them. Councillors thought it was time to take stock and look at how the Authority and schools can plan and develop the role of the teaching assistant into the future.
The review is now complete and the Board were very impressed with the dedication, quality and knowledge of those teaching assistants that they met and felt that if this is an indication of the support staff we have in schools it is extremely encouraging.
The Board found some areas for improvement around the role of the teaching assistant particularly in relation to regular appraisals and consistency of training. Councillor would also like to see teaching assistants used more in the drive to improve oracy, numeracy and literacy.
The Board made a couple of small amendments at it meeting on 23rd January and have now agreed to forward it to Cabinet on the 8th March. Click here for a link to the draft report and recommendations arising from the review.
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