The Children, Young People and Learning Overview and Scrutiny Board completed a review looking at youth support services in April 2010 and have received regular updates on progress since then. The Board at its meeting on the 20th February will look at the latest progress update which will include asking questions on progress with recommendations, for example :
- Are we planning an integrated, responsive, accessible and effective range of services in partnership with other providers?
- Are the youth support services offered across Swansea sustainable, of a consistently high quality, inclusive and accessible.
- Is the service providing a good level of universal services supplemented by targeted provision in partnership with other providers?
Work has already been completed on many areas where recommendations were made including:
- ‘ Swansea Youth Service reviews its accessibility with the view to removing itself from constraints of the education calendar year, particularly important to offer services in school holidays’. This request was particularly relevant to the part-time Youth Club provision within the Youth Service which currently operates for 39 weeks of the year in line with School Terms. There are insufficient resources to extend this provision to a full 52 week opening. However changes in staff terms and conditions (required under European Employment Law) will ensure that youth club provision is operational for up to 46 weeks of the year and this will include some school holiday periods. The Service is moving towards this, with the support of WG Revenue Funding for Youth Work.
- ‘That Swansea Youth Service provides its service through a combination of building based, outreach and mobile provision including areas for young people to “hang-out” socially that are safe and of a high quality’. Wales Assembly Government Capital funding (2008-2011) has enabled the 4 Youth Service buildings to be up-graded in terms of the fabric and facilities on offer.
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