3 suggestions from residents to improve street services

When we asked residents, community and tenants groups to tell us what they thought about services that kept their streets clean and tidy and how they could be improved 3 ideas emerged: communication, information and partnership working.



Communication – maintain contact and communication with people reporting things like pot holes and other highways issues.  There was a great deal of frustration at what was felt to be poor acknowledgement of contact and the delay in responding.

Information – give residents, community and tenants groups clear information about which departments are responsible for what, who the Area Managers are, contact details and cleansing and repair schedules.  All this information, it was pointed out by residents would help manage their expectations.

Partnership working – in areas of high concentration of houses of multiple occupation, the Council could work better with landlords and tenants and the University.  In other words, use the tools available to the Council, to encourage landlords, tenants and the University to take more responsibility for keeping these areas free from litter and rubbish.

These are all good suggestions that the panel will need to think about once it comes to writing its final inquiry report.

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