Councillors from the Schools Scrutiny Performance Panel met with some pupils and the Headteacher from Craigfelen Primary School on 14 April. The Councillors were very impressed with the good practice highlighted by the school including particularly…
Making ideas a reality, making dreams come true…creation of a wide range of pupil voice groups to include pupils of all ages and abilities (school council, eco squad, playground friends, safety squad, enterprise troopers, Graigos Café staff and rights ambassadors). All have the opportunity to become involved in decisions about school life; in particular pupils led the review of teaching and learning policy when the new curriculum was introduced, and have been monitoring these changes regularly.
School Councils Pupil Power…the School Council has been involved in many aspects of the schools development. Pupils have developed a Pupil Power Plan that works alongside the school improvement plan and pupils have developed a way of assessing this through using a booklet they designed for this purpose. Pupils regularly share their learning experiences with governors using portfolios of work and books.
Identifying individual pupil strengths…the work being done with children with behavioural issues to reduce exclusions. Helping pupils to become positively involved in school life, like for example, developing skills to become a ‘playground friend’ to younger pupils. Pupils are also encouraged to become involved in enterprise projects. Pupils that have previously ‘disengaged’ with learning have been motivated and inspired through enterprise. The school has made no exclusions or referrals to education other than at school in the past five years.
Involving families and the community…one of the main priorities at the school is to engage positively with the whole community. The school has 53% free school meals. They use some of their Pupil Deprivation Grant to work with specialists in music and art, and have created a parent/pupil art gallery which is proudly on display in the school playground.
The monster under the sea…pupils have written and illustrated a book which they have followed through to the printing and selling process. It is now for sale at the school and in some local shops.
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