St Helen’s Primary School giving children a flying start

St Helens Flying Start 1

Councillors from the Readiness for School Scrutiny Inquiry Panel visited St Helen’s Flying Start to find out how they prepare their pupils for starting school.

Flying Start is a Welsh Government funded Programme and is available in targeted areas supporting all families to give 0-3 year olds a Flying Start in life. The scheme aims to provide intensive support services for children aged 0-3 years old and their families.

Panel members were particularly interested to hear about the excellent practice the St Helen’s Flying Start shows in working with parents and the local community.  They work closely with parents and the community to build relationships with the school making it the heart of the community.  Some of the things they do include:

  • engaging with parents to build trust so that they can access support services that are available
  • raising awareness of what is expected from their child so that they can help develop that at home also
  • good communication with parents including regular welcome meetings and staff being available daily.
  • employing a Family Engagement Leader whose role it is to work with families, especially new ones, to get to know them, build up trust and understand and explain the expectations of the school.

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Parents said that they found the school and Flying Start to be open and approachable.  They said they find the help and guidance excellent a big help particularly in developing children’s social skills and language. They also said that having access to a Health Visitor on site was very positive.

The staff said that parents and the community are extremely supportive of the both the Flying Start and the School.

If you would like any further information on this scrutiny inquiry or scrutiny more generally you can visit our website at

Photo Credit: St Helen’s Flying Start




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