pic: cfps.org.uk
A new scrutiny inquiry panel has started which will look at regional working. Over the coming months the Panel will be looking into aspects of regional working and will look to address the following key questions ‘How the Council, with its partners, can develop and improve regional working for the benefit of Swansea and its residents?’
Councillors have chosen to look at this subject because:
- The Welsh Government has long seen collaboration between public services – and particularly within local government as a means of providing more efficient and effective services
- Collaboration has a higher profile than ever before. It is a central plank of the Wales’ public service reform agenda in order to respond to the challenges presented by the tightening public service finances. WLGA
- Councillors have wanted to carry out this piece of work in order to build a picture and gain better understanding of progress being made in this area
- Councillors want to look at the scrutiny processes that are being developed within regional partnerships
Lines of Inquiry
The Panel will specifically focus on the following questions:
- The Swansea Picture: what is the regional picture as it affects Swansea currently? What are the proposals for the future? Where do we want to be?
- Financial Picture: What are we financially contributing to currently? How is it envisaged to change in future?
- Regional Partners: The current relationship between Swansea and its regional partners? What are the barriers to improving this?
- Impact: What has been the impact for Swansea and its residents of regional working so far?
- Scrutiny: what scrutiny mechanisms have been built into regional partnership governance arrangements?
- Legislation and Directives: What are the influences on regional working by national and local directives/policy/legislation?
- Good Practice: Are there good examples of effective practice in regional working and how are we and our partners using them to improve?
How to provide your views…?
Interested groups or individuals are encouraged to submit written evidence to the inquiry by email by 15 December 2017 to scrutiny@swansea.gov.uk. The Panel may contact you to discuss your evidence. All evidence that is submitted will usually be published as part of the inquiry, if you do not wish for your evidence to be published please state clearly on submission.
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