Swansea Councils Cabinet agreed with all 11 recommendations that resulted from the Regional Working Scrutiny Inquiry at its meeting on the 16 August 2018. Cabinet have or plan to address the recommendations contained in the report in the following ways:
- A senior management restructure which was approved by Council on 21st June strengthens the Council’s management capacity to ensure that the regional collaboration agenda can be taken forward proactively by Swansea whilst also allowing the Council to manage its ambitious programmes based around the corporate priorities.
- Undertake a lessons learnt exercise (including learning points identified by the panel) across the three main regional collaborations and develop an action plan/s with resource implications to address any specific and remaining barriers.
- Review governance arrangements of the 3 main partnerships: Education through Regional Working, Western bay and City Deal – to ensure they remain fit for purpose.
- Continue to assess the value to the Council from being involved in existing or new partnerships, including an analysis of costs and benefits.
- Review how Skype could be used amongst partners to reduce travelling and officer and Councillor time and further encourage participation in partnership working.
- Continue to engage the third sector in existing partnerships.
- Continue to press Welsh Government for a more streamlined grant process
- Produce an annual report to Council on the progress made across the main regional collaborations: Education through Regional Working, Western Bay and City Deal.
The Regional Working Scrutiny Inquiry Panel members will follow up on progress with the recommendations made in 9-12 months time. We will keep you posted on this blog.
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