The Equalities Scrutiny Panel met on the 11 October 2018 where they discussed and agreed their programme of work for their inquiry into equalities. As part of this piece of work Councillors have agreed to first speak to the Council Directors in order to understand the equalities aspects within their remit including how they are progressing with their equalities objectives, the embedding of the council’s equalities duties and staff training/knowledge. They will meet them on the following dates:
21 January 2019 (At 10.30am in Committee Room 3a in Guildhall) – Meeting with the Director of Social Services and Director of Place
31 January 2019 (At 10.30am in Committee room 3a in Guildhall – Meeting with Director of Education
All these meetings are open to the public and the panel would welcome your views at the meetings and/or in writing via email or letter. You can email us at You can also write a response to our Call for Evidence here
The Panel will in the New Year, speak to people who are interested in this issue including equalities community groups, partner groups and organisations, equalities champions, trade unions and staff. We will keep you up to date about this and how you can participate via this blog.