Councillor Peter Black, convenor of the Adult Services Scrutiny Performance Panel has lead two sessions this week with Carers of Adults with Learning Disabilities and Mental Health Issues, who are either in Supported Living, or are on the waiting list to go in to Supported Living.
This is in preparation for the Adult Services Scrutiny Panel’s meeting on 24 September with Councillor Mark Child, Cabinet Member for Care, Health and Ageing Well and senior officers within the service, where the Panel will discuss and ask questions on ‘Supported Living Arrangements for Adults with Mental Health Issues and Learning Disabilities’.
Carers have related their experiences about what is good about the service, what the barriers are and what needs to be improved.
Cllr Peter Black and other Panel Members present at the focus groups have listened to the feedback from the parent carers and will be using this information when questioning and providing recommendations for improvements to Cllr Mark Child.
This meeting is open to the public and will be held at 4pm in Committee Room 5, Guildhall, Swansea, SA1 4PE.
If you are not able to attend this meeting but have a question or a concern you wish the Adult Services Scrutiny Panel to take forward then please email the Scrutiny Team on: scrutiny@swansea.gov.uk
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