Care Inspectorate Wales inspection of Ty Nant care home in Swansea

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Scrutiny Councillors on the Child & Family Services Panel reviewed Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) Inspection Report of Ty Nant Children’s Care Home. Panel Members felt it was a concerning document with a number of actions for the Service but felt re-assured with the Department’s action plan.

The report identified a number of issues and challenges that the Department had already anticipated including Quality Assurance, which was highlighted as an area for improvement. Also highlighted in the report was the lack of care staff training in the therapeutic techniques described in the home’s statement of purpose and this requires additional learning opportunities.

Officers explained that staff training has been difficult in the past 18 months not only due to Covid but also because of staff shortages which often made it difficult to take staff off rotas to attend training.

The Panel queried why training for staff was not provided online and heard that while training was provided online the breadth of subjects areas required was not.

Panel members raised concern that it had taken CIW to highlight the problems. Officers explained that the Department was already aware of a lot of things highlighted in the report but the last year had been a very difficult year to implement changes while dealing with the pandemic.

The Panel was reassured that officers are systematically working through the action plan, which is due to be completed by the end of September and officers are confident this target will be met.

CIW will be visiting the home again shortly and the Panel will review progress with the action plan at its meeting in December 2021 to ensure things are going in the right direction.

Details of this meeting can be viewed here.

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