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The Scrutiny Programme Committee questioned Councillor Robert Francis-Davies, Cabinet Member for Investment, Regeneration & Tourism on specific areas of his portfolio responsibilities, namely Tourism, Destination Management & Marketing and Business & City Promotion. The Committee heard about the value of tourism to the local economy and the impact of Covid-19 on the tourism industry.
Committee Members were informed of strategic priorities outlined in The Tourism Recovery Action Plan (TRAP), developed as part of the recovery strategy for the Tourism Sector and forms an integral part of Swansea Council’s wider Economic Recovery. The vision of TRAP is to ‘Create a world class tourism destination, which delivers a high-quality visitor experience in a pleasant, clean and well-maintained environment.’
The Committee also discussed the specific effect of the pandemic on the city centre and recovery plans. Committee Members discussed the large number of empty units in the Quadrant and heard that work is ongoing with the owners of the Quadrant and new lettings were due to come on board. Committee Members heard that a ‘City Centre Repurposing Strategy’ report is scheduled to go to Cabinet in September.
The Scrutiny Programme Committee regularly hold question sessions with Cabinet Members to explore Cabinet Members’ priorities, actions, achievements and impact in relation to specific areas of responsibility. Members of the public are welcome to contribute to these sessions. Subscribe to our newsletter here, to be notified when the next session is coming up.
To view details of discussions held at this meeting click here.
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