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Scrutiny Councillors were pleased to hear about aspirations for investment in the MedTech and SportsTech sector, aiming to provide opportunities for companies to collaborate with Swansea University.
At their meeting in early September the Development & Regeneration Scrutiny Panel met with Swansea University’s Provost and Executive Dean PVC, who provided an update on the City Deal developments in the context of Swansea University.
The Panel heard that under the proposals for the Sketty and Morriston University sites, Swansea University developments are expected to foster a group of up to 300 firms, and circa 1000 jobs, creating a space for companies to work alongside clinicians, advancing new treatments and technology. Swansea University will also work with the Local Health Board and Swansea Council to improve road access and infrastructure around the Morriston site.
Panel Members questioned officers on the total amount of City Deal funding being allocated to Swansea University and, separately, Trinity Saint Davit (UWTSD). Officers provided the Panel with a breakdown for clarification.
The Panel heard that UWSTD’s original ‘Box Village’ scheme will not proceed and will be replaced with a new scheme. UWSTD’s second project, the Innovation Precinct, is proposed to move into the City Centre. Members queried where in the City Centre this will be based and officers explained this is yet to be confirmed.
Panel Members also queried the sum of £15M for the Swansea University Health project, and its inclusion in the original City Deal allocation and heard that the Health project was allocated a similar, but separate, figure to Trinity St David.
You can view all details discussed at this meeting and updates on the other City Deal projects, here.
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