An update on the Council’s Flood Risk Management

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Scrutiny Councillors on the Natural Environment Panel recently met to look at Flood Risk Management.

Councillor Mark Thomas, Cabinet Member for Environment Enhancement & Infrastructure Management attended the meeting to update the Panel, he explained that the Council is heavily reliant on Welsh Government funding to manage this issue.

He added that during times of emergency flooding recourses are directed to immediately deal with the situation which makes it especially difficult in these times to meet the demand for delivery of sandbags.

Officers explained that they are creating a new initiative for a reactive gully crew, aiming to quickly respond to individual flood incidents.

The increasing intensity of rainfall was discussed, the Panel heard that accommodating extreme rainfall periods will be a challenge and that preventative measures continue to be developed to mitigate flood risk.

Panel Members questioned the latest update on the Coastal Risk Management Programme in relation to the Mumbles flood defence wall. Cllr Thomas explained that there seems to be public support for this scheme and that circa £12million will be invested from Welsh Government with evidence suggesting flood risk will be reduced for over 120 properties.

Officers highlighted that there is also scope to mitigate flood risk through green infrastructure and nature-based solutions, such as increased tree planting to help slow water flow.

Panel Members praised the work and thanked all staff involved in the Council’s Flood Risk Management.

Click here to view more about this meeting.

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