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Scrutiny Councillors on the Adult Services Performance Panel recently met to discuss how the Service is managing through covid and focussed on the Workforce Support Programme in place for Adult Services.
In terms of management of the pandemic the Panel heard that whilst the Directorate is still manging, it remains a struggle and the third wave is having a very significant impact. Fragility of Domiciliary Care has hit the Directorate worst, particularly the workforce.
The Panel heard that whilst the waiting list for long term domiciliary care has reduced the situation is still far from ideal. The list includes individuals who do have care but not the right type of care, the Directorate is working with families and carers to come up with alternatives up until February 2022. Panel Members heard that a small number of individuals are having to consider residential care as the Authority is unable to provide the domiciliary care they need.
The Panel heard that having realised there was an issue with sickness, Social Services were the first to trial a dedicated Human Resources Officer to support staff to return to work and support staffing pressures within teams. Panel Members were pleased to hear that this has led to a reduction in sickness levels in Social Services but expressed concern that the private sector suffered similar problems with staffing and queried if the Authority has shared its practices. Panel members were reassured that although private homes have their own governance arrangements in place, they can turn to our commissioning services for advice and that the Authority ensures that when recruiting, staff are not taken from private homes.
Panel Members praised and expressed their thanks and appreciation to all members of staff, who continue to have a huge burden placed upon them and are doing an amazing job in very difficult circumstances.
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