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Scrutiny Councillors on the Service Improvement and Finance Panel reviewed the Quarter 1 2021/22 Performance Monitoring Report presenting the performance results in delivering the Council’s Well-being Objectives and priorities.
It was reported that the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has brought huge challenges and changes to the Council, its services and workforce. The impact of the pandemic on reporting and the inevitable and significant impact on the usual areas of performance reporting across the Council.
The Panel heard that overall, during Q1, 81% of indicators have improved or stayed the same and the Council’s response to the pandemic, whilst not necessarily reflected in the established performance indicators, has been extraordinary.
The Panel queried some indicators and why they have improved in such adverse circumstances, asking how indicators are selected. Officers explained that the indicators help to measure priorities within the corporate plan and are selected specifically for that purpose.
Panel Members heard that in Q1 2020/21 the Council was in the height of the pandemic and saw less family homeless presentations due to the suspension of evictions. This had a direct impact on Council data and the comparable indicators.
Panel Members raised their concerns over the general use of the term ‘tackling poverty’ as a descriptor, suggesting this term be reviewed in the near future.
The Panel noted the statistic regarding ‘Number of data breaches which has resulted in an enforcement or monetary penalty notice being issued by the Information Commissioners Office’ – and these results being zero, panel Members felt are an impressive reflection on the Council.
Click here to view a recording and all details discussed at this meeting.
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