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The Scrutiny Programme Committee considered the Annual Report on Corporate Safeguarding which is a review of the implementation of the Council’s Corporate safeguarding policy, which promotes a “Safeguarding as everyone’s business” approach.
The Annual Report covers seven key areas of activity, described as: Safe Governance, Safe Employment, Safe Workforce, Safe Practice, Safe Partnerships, Safe Voice, all contributing to Delivering Safe Performance.
Committee Members queried whether the pressures because of COVID, especially workforce pressures on both Adult Services and Child & Family Services have impacted on health and social care or presented any risks to safeguarding. The Committee was reassured that despite the extraordinary difficult circumstances at no stage did the Council or partners lose focus and dedicated safeguarding teams have continued to provide support and come up with solutions to protect those in urgent need.
The Committee focussed on how the Council ensures all contractors, companies and individuals carrying out work on behalf of the Council whether voluntary or paid are compliant with the Council’s Safeguarding Policies. Committee Members questioned whether training is provided by the Council or if not how awareness and compliance is demonstrated to the Council. The Committee was informed that this is still a work in progress however, guidance documents for contractors are available to show some of the things they need to be doing to evidence compliance.
In the case of volunteers in the Third Sector work is being undertaken to ensure there is a high level of standard in place. In the interim the Council has been able to give access to its on-line ‘Learning pool’ and work is in progress to ensure access to external providers.
Committee Members also questioned what improvement work is undertaken for ensuring DBS checks for contractors are completed in line with the new DBS Policy and Risk Assessment. Members were reassured that whilst this is still a work in progress, any Council funding for community events would be subject to volunteers being DBS checked.
The Committee commended the continuing efforts of the Corporate Safeguarding Group across the Council to make safeguarding everyone’s business – not just a matter for Social Services and Education.
Click here to view more of what was discussed at this meeting.
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