Councillors analyse evidence from public transport scrutiny inquiry

The Public Transport Scrutiny Inquiry Panel met yesterday to look at all the evidence it gathered during the inquiry and used the evidence to identify conclusions.  The conclusions will then help the panel formulate recommendations which will be presented to the Cabinet Member for Place for consideration.

Overall, the panel concluded that good quality, accessible public transport contributed positively to sustainable communities, the green agenda, the local economy, tourism, keeping people independent and social inclusion.  Without such a system, Council polices which addressed things like this, risked being stymied.

The panel also concluded that the public transport system in Swansea, particularly the bus network, did not serve the needs of large parts of Swansea’s diverse communities and groups, for example, disabled people and young parents.

One of the panel’s key recommendations will be for the Cabinet Member to examine the merits of bus quality contracts and bus quality partnerships as a means to achieve the change that is needed in public transport provision in Swansea.

The panel’s final report with all its recommendations will be available via the blog towards the end of July.

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