Do you have a question for the Cabinet Member for Sustainability?

At their next meeting on 30 September the Scrutiny Programme Committee will be holding a question and answer session with Councillor Sybil Crouch who is Swansea Council’s Cabinet Member for Sustainability, and they welcome your ideas for questions.

Cllr Sybil Crouch






The Sustainability portfolio cuts across all services in the Council exploring how sustainability principles and practices can be mainstreamed throughout the organisation and ensuring services and outcomes for communities are sustainable.

Key areas within Councillor Crouch’s portfolio include:

The City & County of Swansea is also the pilot authority for the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) on Sustainable Development.

What questions do you think the committee should ask her?  The committee would welcome your suggestions.  Any suggestions made before 30 September will be looked at by the committee in developing its questioning strategy and the key ones will be put to Councillor Crouch.

Let us have your ideas by adding a comment to this post, by email to or tweet us at @swanseascrutiny.

The committee meeting will take place on Monday 30 September at 4.30 pm in Committee Room 2 in the Civic Centre, Swansea and the public are welcome to attend.

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