What’s next for the Service Improvement & Finance Scrutiny Panel

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The Service Improvement & Finance Scrutiny Performance Panel will be meeting at 1.30pm on Wednesday 16 September (Committee Room 3) Civic Centre. The role of the Panel is to scrutinise the Council’s corporate performance, service improvement and budget arrangements.

Councillor Robert Francis- Davies, Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development & Regeneration will be attending the meeting to discuss the performance indicator for the number of Grand Theatre visits. He will also give the Panel an update and overview of the City Centre Regeneration project.

Also on the agenda this month is the End of Year Financial Monitoring report 2014/15 and the 1st Quarter Budget Monitoring report 2015/16 including Budget Savings Tracker. Mike Hawes (Head of Finance & Delivery) will present the reports to the Panel. This meeting will provide panel members with a chance to consider the reports in more depth and will assist them to understand the latest position with regard to the 2015/16 budget.

Members of the public are welcome to attend. If you are interested in attending or wish to ask a question please let the Scrutiny Team know either by replying to this blog, email scrutiny@swansea.gov.uk or by phoning 01792 636292.

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