Scrutiny Councillors on the Tethered Horses Working Group met on 31 January to discuss and receive an update on the actions taken by the Council and its partners on the current situation in relation to horses tethered on public land.

Photo credit: Friends of Swansea Horses (FOSH)
Councillors were pleased to hear the great progress made following their initial meeting in 2016. Hotspot areas have been identified and action taken to inform the public that horses are not permitted and these locations are now monitored on a monthly basis. This resulted in a reduction in the number of horses being tethered across these areas by 60% since May 2016.
Scrutiny Councillors on this Working Group received great feedback and words of thanks from the RSPCA and Friends of Swansea Horses (FOSH) for their support in raising awareness and scrutinising the council’s overall approach to the issues of tethered horses. This was reciprocated by the Scrutiny Councillors and the Convener of the Working Group, Councillor Jeff Jones also highlighted that the improvements seen were very much a team effort which could not have been achieved without all agencies involved.
The Cabinet member for Environment Services, Councillor Mark Thomas was also present at the working group and expressed appreciation to partners who have together with the council established the ‘Swansea Equine Forum’ which has met four times to maintain communication and improvement. He also updated Scrutiny Councillors on the progress made by the council through education and building closer relationships with horse owners in Swansea.
Councillor Jeff Jones is due to write to the Cabinet Member following this meeting to provide recommendations to keep this momentum going and continue to improve the conditions at which horses are kept in Swansea.
This letter and the expected response from cabinet will be published on Swansea Council’s Website.
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