An Update on the progress with the Swansea City Regeneration Project

Scrutiny Councillors on the Development & Regeneration Panel were pleased to hear that consultations with disability groups in Swansea had taken place and subsequently their views have been taken into account when designing and installing the Bridge on the Copr Bay Regeneration Project. 

The Panel met on 1 July to discuss the Swansea City Regeneration Project Update Report with Cllr Robert Francis-Davies, Cabinet Member for Investment, Regeneration & Tourism.

The Panel heard that there have been some minor delays in the progress of Copr Bay – Phase 1, although all is proceeding well taking account of delays as a result of lockdown impacts.

Regarding the Hotel development, Members expressed some concerns over the delay in finalising funding. Officers confirmed that the Council is exploring funding options and the current preferred operator is a well-known Hotel brand with international links.

Panel members were pleased to hear that the Council is offering all Council-let units around the Arena to local food/beverage businesses only and no national operators have been targeted.

Regarding the pedestrianisation of Wind Street, Members heard that now that most of the street paving has been replaced or re-laid new street furniture is to be installed soon and landscaping elements are progressing.

Panel Members suggested the use of information trails and QR codes throughout the area as a useful source of visitor information. Officers took these suggestions on board and agreed these ideas would be explored in the future.

Cllr Jeff Jones, convener of the Panel has written to Cllr Francis-Davies to reflect on discussions held and to request a written response to include; more information, breaking down the cost escalations highlighted by officers, relating to the Bascule Bridge project on the Tawe Riverside Corridor.

Click here to view this letter and the response once received from the Cabinet Member. To keep updated with future meetings of this Panel subscribe to our newsletter here.

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