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Update: This follow up meeting has now been postponed to 26 January 2022. Please continue to send any queries or points you wish to raise to scrutiny@swansea.gov.uk

The Equalities Scrutiny Inquiry Panel will meet on 2 November to assess the impact of the Scrutiny Equalities Inquiry Report. Scrutiny councillors will follow up on progress made against the set of recommendations the Inquiry proposed which were all accepted by the Cabinet back in November 2019.
The Inquiry looked at ‘how the Council can improve how it is meeting and embedding the requirements under the Equality Act 2010 (Public Sect Equality Duty for Wales 2011)’.
The Inquiry concluded that Swansea Council does treat people fairly but there are seven ways in which the Council can improve how it does this:
- Keeping a close eye on the national picture and how that impacts us locally
- Continuing to build upon the commitment to equality and diversity already evident within the Council
- Ensuring effective policy, practice and processes are in place that meet and help embed the Equalities Duty
- Improving the accessibility of Council services
- Improving how we work with and learn from others
- Continuing to improve how we consult and engage
- Protecting future generations.
This follow up meeting will be open to the public, and members of the public are welcome to contribute. Please email any questions or points you would like to raise to scrutiny@swansea.gov.uk
Links to all the different versions of the scrutiny inquiry report can be found below:
Click below to view the Cabinet Member’s report:
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