Here is a presentation I gave a couple of weeks ago to the Wales Scrutiny Officers Network. [iframe 425 355] The idea was to share some ways in which social media might help support scrutiny and hopefully generate some discussion. I’d say that, whilst a few were keen and a few others were curious, […]
Using Social Media to Improve Scrutiny
Our First Year of Blogging
Yesterday was the first anniversary of the first post on this blog so it seems like a good moment to reflect on how it has gone. At the time we saw it very much as an experiment although now it feels like just another part of the service. I have to give credit to the […]
Scrutiny, Social Media & Us
I’ve been asked to speak at conference next week about our experience with social media (blogging, twittering etc). I’ve given conference presentations before but this one is a first – it’s being held online. The conference is called Local by Social and its being held on the Communities of Practice website. This online conference will bring together […]
The First Post

I’m introducing this blog although it’s not properly up and running yet. There will no doubt be some tinkering and general messing around before we ‘formally’ launch. I suppose I should say a little about why we have set it up. Well the main reason is to share some information about what overview & scrutiny […]