Getting to the bottom of what it means to be a Corporate Parent

The Corporate Parenting Task & Finish Group (set up by the Child & Family Servicse Overview & Scrutiny Board) met yesterday . 

The group discussed the results of the corporate parenting surevy that was sent to all councillors, it looked at how other local authority scrutiny boards have delved into the subject of corporate parenting & it looked at practical examples gleaned from elsewhere of how councillors can be better corporate parents.

Overall it seems that councillors know what corporate parenting is but are not quite sure what this means in practice.

The group agreed that it had been hard to find practical examples of what councillors can do as corporate parents in the evidence it had gathered.

The group came to the conclusion that different types of councillors (Cabinet , Scrutiny, councillors who are governors etc) will have different roles in relation to corporate parenting.

The group still has evidence to collect from the Corporate Parenting Forum, social workers, foster parents, care leavers and looked after children before it can start to think about drawing together its conclusions and recommendations.  The group meets weekly and hopes to conclude this piece of work in the early Autumn.

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