The next steps for the Local Service Board Scrutiny Panel.

The Local Service Board Scrutiny Panel will be meeting at 4.30pm on Monday 27 July in Meeting Room 3, Civic Centre).

During its development stage the panel agreed that its preferred approach to developing its work plan 2015/16 will be to select a Local Service Board challenge to look at in depth, with an emphasis on the effectiveness of partnership working as a whole by focusing on a specific area.

The Panel selected the Local Service Board priority of Older People’s Independence as its first in depth topic.

The overarching question that the Panel is seeking to address is “What difference is Swansea Local Service Board making for citizens ?” The key questions that the Panel will explore in order to assist it in answering this question (within the context of the Local Service Board’s contribution to addressing the challenge of Older People’s Independence) are:
• Has the LSB succeeded in shifting the focus from processes and output to the impact of services on the well-being of people and communities? How would we know this?
• To what extent has the LSB ensured that this priority focuses on prevention and early intervention?
• Has the LSB encouraged deeper integration across service providers in this area and has this resulted in better experiences for service users?
• Has the LSB ensured the best use of resources by maximising shared delivery opportunities and minimising the risk of wasteful duplication?
• What evidence is there to show that commissioning is strategic and clearly linked to evidence of need?

The Panel will conduct a number of evidence gathering sessions commencing with an overview briefing from relevant member of the Local Service Board on the selected topic. Chris Sivers, Director of People will be attending the meeting to give the panel an overview of the Older People’s Independence Priority.

The outcome of this work will result in the Panel providing its conclusions and recommendations to the Local Service Board via a formal letter from the Convener to the Chair of the Local Service Board. This could also include a more detailed report if the Panel felt it was needed.

The meeting is open to the public. If people wish to attend to ask a question they should contact the Scrutiny team on 636292. Questions can be submitted via email, telephone or here on the Scrutiny blog.

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