So how is education through regional working performing for Swansea?

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The Schools Scrutiny Performance Panel will on the 14 July to discuss the Education Through Regional Working (ERW) business plan for 2016-2019 with the Chief Executive of the regional body.

The Business Plan outlines the region, of which Swansea is part, vision for improvement which is,,,

“consistently high performing school network across the region with every school a good school offering high standards of teaching under good leadership resulting in all learning achieving their maximum potential”.

In order to achieve this vision, the region will build school capacity through support, challenge and intervention to become self-improving, resilient organisations which continually improve outcomes for all learners.

The ERW strategy sets out the following expectations and challenges:

  • ensure effective performance in all schools
  • robustly and consistently challenging the performance of schools and the outcomes achieved by learners
  • deploy a differentiated system of professional support to schools in proportion to need through nationally agreed categorisation framework
  • supporting strategies to develop the literacy and numeracy skills of learners
  • to improve outcomes for disadvantaged learners
  • facilitate effective school to school support in order to improve performance and outcomes
  • managing and deploying well trained challenge advisers to challenge performance and broker bespoke support

If you would like any further information about this meeting or scrutiny more generally you visit our webpages at or email us on

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