Swansea Scrutiny Councillors look at Car Park Charges in Swansea

Scrutiny Councillors plan to meet on the 28 November to discuss car park charges in Swansea. They have been given a brief by the Scrutiny Programme Committee for one off working group to raise issues and ask questions about car park charges and provision across Swansea including information on service performance and plans for improvement.

The working group will meet with the Cabinet Member for Environment Services and the Council relevant officers.  Some of the questions the working group plan ask include for example:

  1. What future developments are planned for new and improved parking in Swansea and particularly the City Centre
  2. How are we factoring in parking as part of the new developments planned for the City Centre?
  3. Maintenance and operational costs for car parking in Swansea including breakdown of charges
  4. How the council compares with others including other local authorities and private sector
  5. The impact of the increasing/changing parking charges

The public will have a chance to give evidence to the meeting in the public submissions section at the beginning between 4.00 pm and 4.30 pm, the working group will proceed to talking to the Cabinet Member and officers about their report and the questions the panel have raised.

If you would like to find out more about this working group, would like to summit evidence and/or attend the meeting you can contact us at scrutiny@swansea.gov.uk


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