Swansea Council has a multi-agency Scrutiny Panel which aims to find out what difference the Swansea Public Services Board (PSB) is making for citizens.
The Public Services Board is responsible for improving the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being in Swansea by strengthening joint working across all public services.

Photo Credit: Public Services Board Wales
The Panel is focused on the performance of the PSB and includes looking at:
- The effectiveness of the PSB’s Wellbeing Assessment
- The effectiveness of the PSB’s Wellbeing Plan
- How well the Public Services Board is meeting its well-being duties, and is considering the seven well-being goals and five ways of working
- The effectiveness of performance measurement arrangements
- The level of commitment from individual partners to the work of the Public Services Board
- The effectiveness of the PSB in communicating its work, objectives and outcomes to its stakeholders
- The effectiveness of the PSB in addressing the issue of pooled funding to tackle priorities
The Panel met on 30 August 2017 for the first time this year where they had the opportunity to discuss the Swansea Wellbeing Assessment 2017. Following this meeting the convenor of the Panel, Cllr Mary Jones wrote to the Chair of the Public Services Board, Cllr Rob Stewart with their views about the Assessment and development of the Wellbeing Plan.
The Panel is also monitoring achievements and impact in relation to PSB priorities which the PSB has been working on over the last year. This includes work on Domestic Abuse, Ageing Well and the Early Years work streams.
The Panel on 13 December 2017 scrutinised the Draft Wellbeing Plan which has been developed by the PSB. The Plan is now subject to public consultation until 13 February 2018 and Panel Members took the opportunity to make comments. The draft final Plan will be reported back to the Panel before agreement.
To keep up to date with progress of this Panel you can find details about all meetings on Swansea Council’s website. All correspondence that has been sent by the Panel to Cllr Rob Stewart, together with his responses, are published here.
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