Adult Social Services Scrutiny

Did you know that there is a dedicated Scrutiny Performance Panel to provide an ongoing challenge to Adult Social Services?


Adult Social Services are undergoing major change and face significant financial pressures because of an ageing population and high demand. The Panel’s role is to receive and request relevant performance reports to monitor and challenge assessments on service performance and quality in respect of Adult Social Services.


Swansea Adult Social Services’ vision:

 “People in Swansea will have access to modern health and social care services which allow them to lead fulfilled lives with a sense of wellbeing within supportive families and resilient communities. We will help people to keep safe and protected from harm and give opportunities for them to feel empowered to exercise voice, choice and control in all aspects of their lives.

Our services will focus on prevention, early intervention and enablement and we will deliver better support for people making best use of the resources available supported by our highly skilled and valued workforce.


The Panel writes to the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, Cllr Mark Child, raising issues of concern, comments and recommendations as appropriate following Panel Meetings. It also regularly reports on progress to the Scrutiny Programme Committee


The Panel meets on a monthly basis and as well as monitoring performance the Panel has also discussed topics including:


  • The Key Priorities and Challenges for Adult Services in Swansea
  • How the Council’s Policy Commitments translate to Adult Services
  • Demand Management including Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
  • Overview of the Western Bay programme
  • Prevention including Local Area Coordination and Supporting People.


The Panel is due to meet in early February to discuss the Council’s Draft Budget.


To keep up to date with all meetings and discussions held you can find agendas and meeting notes here. There you can also find all letters written by Cllr Peter Black, convenor of the Adult Services Scrutiny Performance Panel.  If you think there is something the Panel should be looking at let us know.

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