Scrutiny Councillors on the Brexit Working Group met on 23 September to discuss the Authority’s plans in preparation for Brexit.
Councillor Peter Jones, Convenor of the Working Group will write to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Rob Stewart with the working group’s findings.
Scrutiny Councillors were reassured by the information provided at the meeting and felt the Authority has done what it can to prepare for Brexit. They would like to see the Authority publicise the good work it is doing to communicate this message.
The working group was pleased to hear that some monies are in place to help fund preparations for Brexit. However, this will not cover all the costs of managing and monitoring this work and Scrutiny Councillors suggested that the Authority will need to look at ways of getting this money back.
Scrutiny Councillors also felt concerned about any potential fuel crisis as this could have a huge impact on communities should it go on for months. Their main concern was how the public would be able to continue accessing transport to work as well as emergency services. The Working Group acknowledged that there should not be a fuel shortage but if there is panic buying it could cause one and they wanted to know what the Authority could do to help.
To keep up to date with the work carried out by this working group and any future follow up meetings including all letters sent to and received from Cabinet please click here.
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