Scrutiny Members stress the importance of good communication with all councillors on recovery and transformation work

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The Scrutiny Programme Committee met with the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Economy Strategy & Finance, Cllr Rob Stewart to monitor and challenge Council action in relation to the Council’s Recovery and Transformation Plan ‘Swansea Achieving Better Together’.

Cllr Stewart highlighted that whilst there is a focus on recovery, there are challenging times ahead given that the pandemic is still with us causing continued pressure on services.

The Committee questioned Swansea Council’s position on recovery and transformation work in comparison with other Councils and heard that Swansea Council had managed to not reduce key services and worked closely with Welsh Local Government Association to look at what other Councils have been doing, and Swansea’s work as a transforming Council, in comparison, has been held up as good practice.

The Committee focused on communication with councillors regarding Economic Recovery Fund applications. Committee Members felt that the process for Economic Recovery Fund applications, grant to businesses etc should be streamlined to avoid undue delay in the processing.

In terms of governance structure for ‘Swansea – Achieving Better Together’ and overview of work streams, the Committee sought clarity about reporting lines and mechanisms, and councillor representation and engagement in the delivery of the plan.

As well as formal reporting to Scrutiny and Governance & Audit Committees, Committee members stressed the importance of good communications with all councillors on recovery and transformation work.

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