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The Development & Regeneration Panel met early in November 2021 to discuss the City Centre Travel Plan Update Report.
It was reported that a strong Placemaking theme is running, making the City Centre more accessible and minimising reliance on private cars, intending to improve connectivity in and around the City Centre.
Officers explained that Swansea Council is now trying to understand and anticipate post-pandemic traffic patterns, taking account of major project developments.
Councillor Mark Thomas, Cabinet Member for Environment Enhancement & Infrastructure Management, informed the Panel that secure bike storage has been constructed at Fabian Way Park & Ride, taking account of people cycling into the city. Numerous bike shelters have been installed in the City Centre, and new developments in the City Centre will consider bike storage provisions to encourage cycling amongst employees and visitors. Officers highlighted that the needs of the City Centre are changing, and new technology is changing ways of travel.

Councillor Jeff Jones, convenor of the Panel has written to Cllr Thomas to reflect on the Panel’s views and has requested clarification on the quantitative data behind the statistics suggesting an increase in the number of cyclists across Swansea, differentiating between those cycling for leisure and/or work.
Cllr Thomas has responded to confirm that the Authority has a number of automatic cycle counters placed on strategic cycle infrastructure throughout the county. These have shown a general increase in the total number of cyclists using cycle paths but cannot differentiate between journey purpose.
He added that ‘Cycle trips increased significantly during the first lockdown in 2020, which due to closed businesses and workplaces, would seem to be driven by an increase in leisure trips. 2021 has seen daily cycle flows remain at this level, this would tend to suggest that although leisure was the cause of the initial increase, people have continued to cycle for alternative purposes as restrictions have eased. As part of ongoing active travel improvements additional cycle counters are being installed as part of new routes, with a specific grant bid to expand our coverage.’
To read the letter sent to and received from the Cabinet Member, and review all updates discussed at this meeting please click here.
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