An update from Penyrheol Comprehensive School

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The Education Performance Panel recently met with the Acting Headteacher and the Chair of Governors at Penyrheol Comprehensive School to discuss progress the school has made since its last Estyn Inspection. The Panel paid particular focus to progress made in relation to the Estyn recommendations in the areas of literacy and numeracy and planning to address teaching and assessment.

Panel Members were pleased to hear about much of the progress made including:

  • The clear emphasis on improving teaching and learning right across the curriculum
  • The use of positive strategies to improve pupil behaviour and attitudes to learning
  • The Interim School Improvement Plan clearly focusing on pupil wellbeing and behaviour
  • Willingness to work with, as well as share knowledge, learning and experience with other schools

Panel Members were concerned to hear about the increase in behaviour related issues since the start of the pandemic but were encouraged to hear that the school has been using a number of different strategies to address this.

The Panel heard that the School Improvement Plan is currently an interim one, with the purpose of working through the pandemic with a clear focus on wellbeing and behaviour. The Acting Headteacher highlighted that the support received from the local authority including the support from the allocated School Improvement Adviser, has been excellent.

The Panel congratulated the Acting Headteacher, the Governing Body and staff at the school for their continued hard work in moving the school forward, especially given the difficulties and challenges caused by the pandemic. Panel Members felt reassured that good provision is in place to provide continued ongoing improvement.

Click here to view all details discussed at this meeting.

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