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Scrutiny Councillors have now agreed the annual scrutiny work programme for 2022/ 2023.
The programme includes work ranging from in-depth examination, and regular monitoring activity, to light-touch scrutiny. There will be an initial focus on Anti-Social Behaviour, as an in-depth inquiry, exploring the effectiveness of partnership working in responding to and tackling anti-social behaviour in our communities.
Councillors will also look at Road Safety, Co-production, Swansea as a Healthy City, and Customer Contact as one-off Working Groups. Councillors will continue to monitor activities and challenge performance across the Council, in particular in Social Services, Education, Development & Regeneration, and Climate Change & Nature.
The Scrutiny Programme Committee will monitor the agreed programme but will also look at a broad range of service / policy issues of concern, including tackling poverty, fly tipping, homelessness, and houses of multiple occupation.
All of this work means scrutiny holding Cabinet Members to account and contributing to better services, performance, policies, and decisions.
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