The primary focus for the inquiry is to look at how the Council and its partners are tackling anti-social behaviour in Swansea. The key question, therefore, is:
How can the Council ensure that it is working with its partners to appropriately and effectively tackle Anti-Social Behaviour in Swansea?
What is not part of this inquiry? Individual cases of anti-social behaviour (ASB). Only as examples of practice. The inquiry will have a strategic focus, with overview of roles and responsibilities, priorities, powers, current experience and trends, partnership activity and achievement, and how things can be improved.
The inquiry will look at anti-social behaviour in relation to the provision of council functions and how it works with its partners and others to address it in communities across Swansea. It will also consider what the Council does well and what can be improved in this area.
To help understand these issues and to answer some of these questions we are inviting written submissions on the following lines of inquiry:
- Effectiveness of strategies, policies and procedures in tackling anti-social behaviour and is the council meeting its regulatory obligations in this area.
- The Councils role in tackling and reducing anti-social behaviour.
- Partner roles in tackling and reducing anti-social behaviour.
- How well are the Council and its partners working together to tackle and reduce anti-social behaviour in Swansea.
- Tools available to use to help the Council and its partners tackle ASB.
- How good is the information provided to, and communication with, the public.
- Monitoring and managing performance.
- How are the Council and our partners addressing the causes of anti-social behaviour.
- Examples of initiatives and good practice in tackling ASB elsewhere.
- The Wellbeing and Future Generations implications.
The panel is keen to hear from as many members of the public and organisations as possible.
If you wish to submit evidence relating to this Inquiry you can do so by writing to us at:
Email: scrutiny@swansea.gov.uk
Post: Scrutiny Team, Guildhall, Swansea. SA1 4SN
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