Wellbeing in Swansea’s Schools

The Attainment and Wellbeing Scrutiny Inquiry Panel have visited four schools including two comprehensives, one primary and the primary pupil referral unit.

The Panel have found each visit informative. It has helped them understand some of the issues schools are facing in relation to wellbeing, including the barriers that schools must overcome, as well as their significant achievements.

image depicting parental supportimage depicting back to schoolimage depicting EWS helping parents

Councillors have met with Headteachers, teaching staff and governors at each school which included looking at the following issues:

  • How schools work with children to help to ensure that when they are in school they are in a position to learn
  • How do schools address issues behind low attainment and what interventions are used
  • How schools work with others like health to help address wellbeing issues
  • How each school is using its pupil deprivation grant

The Panel will be visiting Crug Glas Special School next week.

If you would like to find out more about this inquiry or about Scrutiny in general you can get further information on our webpages at www.swansea.gov.uk/scrutiny or email us at scrutiny@swansea.gov.uk


  1. Fiona Gordon says

    Very informative. Most importantly, we also asked children what their thoughts are about what helps them to be able to learn and what can stop them. Looking forward to visiting Crug Glas next week.

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