Views sought from the Children’s Commissioner for Wales

A representative from the office of the Children’s Commissioner will be meeting with the Attainment and Wellbeing Scrutiny Inquiry Panel next week to discuss children and young peoples wellbeing especially in relation to schools. Some of the issues the Panel will raise include for example: What young people are most concerned about currently (in relation to Wellbeing […]

Looking at school performance

The schools performance scrutiny panel met with the Headteacher and Chair of Governors of Cwmglas Primary School.  They were impressed with the work and standards at the school given the challenging environment in which the school is positioned.  The impact on the school of supporting and educating children in an area of high social and economically […]

Wellbeing Inquiry Panel meets Cabinet Members

The Attainment and Wellbeing Inquiry Panel will shortly be meeting with two of Swansea’s cabinet members, Cllr Will Evans (Cabinet Member for Learning and Skills) and Cllr Mitch Theaker (Cabinet Member Opportunities for Children and Young People).    The Panel will discuss a number of issues with them, like for example: What work is currently being […]

Looking at ‘what works’ in improving children and young peoples wellbeing

The Attainment and Wellbeing Scrutiny Inquiry Panel will meet next week with professionals from across Swansea to discuss ‘what works’ in improving the wellbeing of children and young people in Swansea. The Panel, at this meeting, are keen to investigate areas of good practice and to learn from the experience of people working in the field.  The discussion will […]

Challenging School Performance

The Schools Performance Scrutiny Panel will be meeting with the Headteacher and Chair of Governors of Cwmglas Primary School later this week.  This school in its Estyn Inspection in 2011 was cited as excellent in both current performance and prospects for improvement. Cwmglas Primary School in 2011 had 40% of pupils that were entitled to free school […]

School pupils views on wellbeing

The Attainment and Wellbeing Scrutiny Inquiry Panel spoke to over 60 children and young people in schools in February and March this year.             Picture: Members of the Panel with the consultation results   Pupils over the four focus groups were asked: What do pupils need to do well in school? What would […]