Archives for January 2011

What is the Best Way to Support Care Leavers in Swansea?

According to the National Care Advisory Service ‘young people who have spent time in care tend to have poorer outcomes than their peers. Care leavers are more likely to have poor educational performance, contact with the criminal justice system, poorer health and be vulnerable to homelessness and unemployment. It is therefore very important that they […]

How Can We Get the Most Out of Our Consultation and Engagement?

Yesterday the Overview & Scrutiny Business Committee had a presentation from Rhian Foote who is the Consultation Coordinator for the Council. The presentation, which you can see below, had a couple of purposes.  First, the Committee had raised a few questions about Swansea Voices, the Council’s Citizen’s Panel and these were answered very ably.  Second, it […]

Learning from the Gwent Frailty Programme

Today, the task and finish group taking evidence for the Review of Shared Services, met with Alison Ward, Chief Executive at Torfaen County Borough Council, to learn about the Gwent Fraility Programme.  The programme’s website – ‘Happily Indepenedent’ – describes the project like this: The Gwent Frailty Programme is looking to create an integrated model […]

Changing the way adult social care is delivered

The Health Social Care & Well Being Overview & Scrutiny Board met yesterday to discuss how adult social care is to be remodelled to deliver more “person centred” services.  The Welsh Assembly Government’s Fulfilled Lives, Supportive Communities 2007 says of services:  Whatever their difficulty or impairment, people should be supported to have control over the life […]

Time Together Gorseinon – getting councillors on board

Councillors on the Health Social Care & Well Being Overview & Scrutiny Board have been investigating the change that is happening to the way adult social care is delivered.  This change, known as the transformation programme , seeks to put the citizen right at the heart of service design and aims to build community capacity […]