Safely reducing the numbers of looked after children

There are now 493 looked after children in the care of the authority and this number has been reducing steadily for the last 6 months.  Since February there has been a reduction of 28 looked after children and the teams are clearly working hard to get these good results. The child and family services scrutiny […]

Ensuring that care leavers access education, training and employment

NEETs, this is the acronym used to describe a young person who is “not in education, employment of training”.  When the Child & Family Services Scrutiny Panel met last week to look at the end of year performance monitoring report for Child & Family Services it saw that over half of formerly looked after children were not in […]

Helping to improve the lives of looked after children

A group of councillors carried out a detailed investigation into how the Council and partners provide services for looked after children.  At the end of the investigation the councillors on the Services for Looked After Children Scrutiny Inquiry Panel made 15 recommendations in their report to Cabinet which they hoped would improve the lives and experiences […]

Services for looked after children scrutiny inquiry – final report agreed

The Looked After Children Scrutiny Inquiry Panel has completed its inquiry into services for looked after children and how they can be improved.  The report, which was presented to the Scrutiny Programme Committee on Monday 10th June, contains the conclusions and recommendations from the panel after six months of evidence gathering. Why carry out this inquiry? Services for […]

Scrutiny councillors publish report on services for looked after children

The Looked After Children Scrutiny Inquiry Panel has completed the inquiry into how support services for looked after children in Swansea can be improved.  The report, which will be presented to the Scrutiny Programme Committee on Monday 10th June, contains the conclusions and recommendations of the panel after 6 months of evidence gathering. The topic was chosen […]

Praise for Scrutiny in Key Inspection Report

Along with praise for staff working to deliver improvements to vulnerable children in Swansea inspectors commended scrutiny councillors for the way they have made a difference. The Care and Social Services Inspectorate (CSSIW) has published its findings following a review of Child and Family Services access arrangements. The report was discussed by Cabinet last week. […]