What should the Health Social Care & Well Being Overview & Scrutiny Board investigate next year?

The Health Social Care & Well Being Overview & Scrutiny Board met today for the last time this year and had a report which reviewed the work it carried out this year.  You can find the report here.   The Board also received its final report and recommendations on how the Council can support the elderly […]

The challenge goes on………….

Councillors on the Health Social Care & Well Being Overview & Scrutiny Board are almost at the end of their challenge on the community capacity pillar which is part of the big transformation of adult social services project.  The Board meets on Tuesday 5th April and it will engage with Carol Green, Director of Swansea Council for Voluntary […]

Delivering better services at a lower cost for older people in Wales – Webinar

Last Thursday I participated in a Social Services Improvement Agency “webinar” – an online live seminar and webcast – on the very relevant topic of delivering better services at a lower cost for older people in Wales.  Over the past 6 months John Bolton, formerly of the Department of Health in England has been working with the SSIA and […]

Delivering adult social care differently

On Tuesday the Health Social Care & Well Being Overview & Scrutiny Board met with the Cabinet Member for Social Services to question him on his report on alternative models of service delivery for adult social care.  The Cabinet Member was due to take a report to Cabinet on Thursday which sought approval from Cabinet to proceed with […]

Learning from the Gwent Frailty Programme

Today, the task and finish group taking evidence for the Review of Shared Services, met with Alison Ward, Chief Executive at Torfaen County Borough Council, to learn about the Gwent Fraility Programme.  The programme’s website – ‘Happily Indepenedent’ – describes the project like this: The Gwent Frailty Programme is looking to create an integrated model […]

Changing the way adult social care is delivered

The Health Social Care & Well Being Overview & Scrutiny Board met yesterday to discuss how adult social care is to be remodelled to deliver more “person centred” services.  The Welsh Assembly Government’s Fulfilled Lives, Supportive Communities 2007 says of services:  Whatever their difficulty or impairment, people should be supported to have control over the life […]