Supporting local democracy and good governance

Our annual report for the last 12 months has now been published. It gives a summary of what we have done, the feedback we have received and the things we want to improve in future. It is an important document for us. It shows that we are transparent in our work and open to scrutiny! […]

What should scrutiny be looking at?

Scrutiny councillors will soon be having their annual work planning conference where they will be prioritising their work for the coming year. It is important that scrutiny is focussing on the issues that are most important to the public so scrutiny councillors would like your input. They would like to know, are there any council […]

Give us your feedback

It is that time of year again where we run our annual scrutiny feedback survey. We have been running this survey for councillors, staff and partner organisations for a number of years now and we have had a lot of great ideas that shape what we do. This survey is really important for us. The […]

Making scrutiny more user friendly

We have introduced a new publications page for scrutiny and we think it is a really neat way of making the process more open, transparent and accessible. You can find the page here. We now use this page to publish all scrutiny agenda packs, letters and reports and the responses that Cabinet provides back to […]

Scrutiny Dispatches – Making an Impact

Scrutiny Dispatches is now a quarterly report about the impact made by scrutiny demonstrating how scrutiny is making a difference, with examples of specific outcomes and achievements.           Here’s the latest round-up: 1. Making the most of Swansea’s potential as a destination for tourists (Lead: Councillor John Newbury) In January 2014 Cabinet […]