Social Care at Home Scrutiny Panel members met with a number of providers of social care at home (aka domiciliary care) recently, to learn about the service they provide and to give the councillors a unique opportunity to hear about concerns and issues that may be affecting the current system. The Social Care at Home Panel members were […]
Talking to providers about social care at home
New Inquiry Panel Supports Social Care at Home

As the demand for the number of people being cared for in their own homes is increasing, this is putting more and more pressure on the Council and its partners, as they try to meet the demand with limited resources and staff levels. A new Scrutiny Inquiry Panel has been developed, which will look to answer […]
Health Social Care & Well Being Overview & Scrutiny Board almost finished for the year
The Health Social Care & Well Being Overview & Scrutiny Board will meet for the final time on Tuesday 3rd April. Councillors on the Board will take some time during this meeting to review the work they have carried out this year and to reflect on performance. They will look at what has worked well […]
Scrutiny councillors quiz new director on carers
Councillors on the Health Social Care & Well Being overview and scrutiny board questioned the new director of Social Services, Phil Hodgson, and the new Head of Child & Family Services, David Howes on the issue of support for carers. The board is currently reviewing how the Council and its partners identify and support carers, including […]
Councillors talk to the Carers’ Centre & the Alzheimer’s Society
Earlier this week the Health Social Care & Well Being Overview & Scrutiny Board began its review of how the Council and its partners support carers in Swansea. On Tuesday councillors met Shirley Bowen, Director at Swansea Carers’ Centre and Val Walker, Locality Director at the Alzheimer’s Society. The councillors wanted to understand how these two important organisations […]
Carers and the Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Strategy on the Agenda
The Health Social Care & Well Being Overview & Scrutiny Board met yesterday. The councillors dealt with two main topics – progress against the implementation of the Health Social Care & Well Being Strategy and how the Council supports carers. The Cabinet Member for Social Services, Councillor Nick Tregoning and Sharon Miller, Dr Nina Williams […]