Ensuring that care leavers access education, training and employment

NEETs, this is the acronym used to describe a young person who is “not in education, employment of training”.  When the Child & Family Services Scrutiny Panel met last week to look at the end of year performance monitoring report for Child & Family Services it saw that over half of formerly looked after children were not in […]

Transforming Adult Services

Back in October 2014 a scrutiny panel was set up to look at the changes that were taking place in adult services to have the kind of services that were needed to meet the demands of an aging population, smaller budgets and the Social Services and Well Being Act. Over the course of 18 months […]

Budget Scrutiny

A meeting of the Council’s Service Improvement & Finance Scrutiny Performance Panel will take place on Wednesday 10 February at 11am in Committee Room 6, Guildhall. The purpose will be to discuss the Council’s Budget Proposals. The Panel’s role is to question and challenge aspects of the budget in order to help it to form opinions […]

Do you have a question about how schools support children with mental health needs

The Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services scrutiny inquiry panel is meeting on 16 February to talk to representatives from the Council’s education department and the cabinet members for Education and Children & Young People.  The meeting will begin at 9.30am and will be held in the Council Chamber in the Guildhall. The aim of the […]

Why do we do pre-decision scrutiny?

Pre-decision scrutiny is the process that enables scrutiny councillors to engage with the Cabinet before it takes decisions and there are very good reasons why it should happen. Its an opportunity for consultation with non-executive councillors before Cabinet makes its decision. It enables scrutiny councillors to gain information and develop an understanding on particular issues. […]

Views sought from the Children’s Commissioner for Wales

A representative from the office of the Children’s Commissioner will be meeting with the Attainment and Wellbeing Scrutiny Inquiry Panel next week to discuss children and young peoples wellbeing especially in relation to schools. Some of the issues the Panel will raise include for example: What young people are most concerned about currently (in relation to Wellbeing […]