What should scrutiny be looking at?

Every year we conduct a survey to find out what people think about scrutiny in Swansea and this year is no exception. We would be really grateful if you could spend a few short minutes of your time answering a couple of questions – we promise it won’t keep you long! We are interested in […]

Swansea City Centre – We want your views

Since the 2008 recession town centres around the UK have been hit with the hardest trading conditions for generations. There have been a number of high profile retailers reporting extreme financial pressures as well as the negative impact on small independent businesses.  Swansea City Centre is no different with decreasing levels of footfall over the […]

Have your say on our service!

It is that time of year again where we run our annual stakeholder survey. The purpose of the survey is to gauge perceptions about the work of overview and scrutiny over the past 12 months. The information gathered will be used to monitor performance and introduce further improvements. It also generates new topics that can […]

Some Changes and Some Haiku

You might have noticed that Overview & Scrutiny in Swansea has changed a bit over the last few months. We have new meetings, new tools and new ways of doing things – these changes were fueled by the work of the Child & Family Services Overview & Scrutiny Board and by our Improvement Programme.  Now that all […]

Sorry, You Do What?

Somehow I’ve always managed to work in areas that needed to be explained.  I’ve been in Tenant Participation, Anti Poverty, Community Leadership & Engagement and now Overview & Scrutiny.  I’m slightly jealous of those people who work in Planning, Education or Social Services who don’t get a blank expression when they tell someone what they do. […]